We will have grab and go packets for the students again Friday April 24th.
Here is the schedule for pick up times on the north end of the building:
Longfellow Staff Everyone stay safe and healthy! RATON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 500 South 3rd Street Raton, NM 87740 Phone 575-445-9881 Fax 575-445-3682 Website: ratonschools.com April 12, 2020 RIS Students and Families, Everyone here at Raton Intermediate School hope you and your family are safe and healthy as you read this letter. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life during the last month with COVID-19. I am extremely appreciative of our students, parents, teachers, and staff for their positivity, flexibility and resilience during these trying times. As you know, continuous learning for Raton Intermediate School is in full motion. Our goal is to provide continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while schools are closed but also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students, parents, and teachers. While it is our responsibility to continue to educate our children, we also want to compassionately take into consideration the variety of difficulties that our families and employees are enduring during this time. The following information will provide details related to our Continuous Learning Plan and how we plan to continue to serve you. Our Continuous Learning Plan has been developed within the guidelines of the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) as well as the needs of our community.
Serving you, Kristie L. Medina Raton Intermediate School Principal RHS Teachers are developing links for students to use as part of continuous learning. We will be adding links as they are available.
Kimberly Sanchez, Principal Longfellow Elementary School 700 East Fourth Street Raton, NM 87740 575.445.9261 Fax 575.445.5306 visit us at ratonschools.com April 9, 2020 Dear Longfellow Students and Families: I hope this finds each of you in good health and good spirits as we continue to be out of school in this time of the National Health Crisis. I wanted to share some information with you about the ways in which Longfellow Elementary School will be striving to continue the teaching and learning process through the end of our scheduled school year. Our plan has been developed within the guidance and parameters set by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and in consideration of the needs and resources of the community of Raton. ● Contact from the school : Classroom Teachers and Specialists (Special Education, Title 1, and Counselors) will have already been in contact with you and your student to check in and will continue to do so on at least a weekly basis. Teachers have also been charged with assessing technology resources that you have available at home. Follow us on FaceBook and our school website for ongoing announcements and information. Staff may also utilize student email accounts as well as phone and text contacts to make sure we are able to stay in touch. ● Continuing Instruction : Paper-based packets of instructional materials will be distributed every 2 weeks in a Grab-n-Go from the school. These may include texts, manipulatives, worksheets, curriculum workbooks, and materials such as crayons, pencils, and scissors. Teachers are also starting with digital delivery of resources and online communication for teaching. Some of the platforms teachers might use include Google Classroom, Google Hangouts / Meets, Classroom DoJo, private Facebook Groups, and ZOOM. In addition, there are a number of online learning resources students will be familiar with that they may continue to utilize, such as iReady, Accelerated Reader (AR), I Know It math, and others which your teachers will have already started informing you about. Based on the needs determined by teachers in their contact with you, we are issuing a small number of laptops to families to help ensure those with internet capabilities can access these online supplements. Please note we have a limited number of devices to check out and will be doing our best to match the needs to that which we have available. ● Time recommendations : The recommended daily amount of time students should be spending on paper based assignments, online work, projects, and instruction time (video conference / ZOOM) with teachers is ○ 30 minutes per day (PreK) ○ 45 minutes per day (Kinder and 1st grade) ○ 60 minutes per day (2nd grade) This is based on the guidelines of the NMPED. In addition to these daily recommended minutes, remember that supplemental reading time, creative play, outdoor play, and time for music and movement are also vitally important for your child’s continued development and health! ● Grading : While the assignments sent out via packets as well as those issued online will NOT be graded, teachers will be asking for responses and feedback from students to determine their understanding and readiness for next steps in instruction. This may take the form of online question responses, quizzes, sending in pictures of completed projects, and other means of assessing student participation and understanding. I wish each of you, our Longfellow students and families, health and calm during this stressful time! Know that teachers, support staff, and administration are missing seeing you and are greatly looking forward to being with students in school again. Until that time, we are ALL learning to teach, learn, and stay connected in new ways. Please feel free to contact teachers and administration with questions or concerns that arise. We will persevere through this challenging time by working together. With great appreciation, Kimberly Sanchez Principal, Longfellow Elementary School If you're looking for something that might help an elementary or middle school student, the following website offers
"free Social Emotional Learning Activities – lessons, activities, and printables – in the following skill areas: Communication, Cooperation, Emotion Regulation, Empathy, Impulse Control, and Social Initiation." "These resources are age-appropriate for elementary and middle school students and are typically used in a classroom or a small group setting. And in most cases, if materials are required for the activity, they are items that you already have in your classroom or office." |