We appreciate the feedback from families and community members. We will provide more detailed information and updates as quickly as possible. We look forward to working together to continue to provide a quality education while protecting the health and well-being of our students, staff, and community.
Stay tuned for information on upcoming Equity Council Meetings. **The survey CLOSED June 23 at 7:00 pm. See post above for the Current Reentry plan.**The Raton Public School District is requesting public comment concerning our re-entry plan for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please take some time to review the linked survey and provide feedback. The survey will also allow you to provide input which will guide the district in revising our 2021-22 School Reentry Plan. Stakeholders may also review the Draft 2021-22 Reentry Plan here or our school Facebook pages. The draft plan will be finalized after careful review of stakeholder input and presented to our School Board for final approval. Thank you in advance for your respectful feedback, responses, and input. Raton Public Schools strives to engage and respond to our community's needs. We look forward to your collaboration and continued support to meet the needs of our students. Note: The plan is subject to change depending on the spread of the coronavirus and revised public health orders. Free Summer Meals Program 2021 Sponsored by K-12 by Elior/A’viands and the Raton Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Program. This Institution is an equal opportunity provider. Breakfast and Lunch Meals Distributed Monday – Thursday June 14, 2021 – August 6, 2021 (No Meal Service on June 7 – 11 & July 5-9, 2021 – Closed for Staff Training) FREE for kids ages 1-18! NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Summer Meal Grab and Go Sites
For questions, please contact Michael at 575-707-3186. |