Hello Longfellow Families!
If you checked out a laptop from Longfellow, you may drop off your device on May 21st, from 1-3 pm on the North End drop off/pick up lane at Longfellow Elementary School. Thank you, Longfellow Staff Everyone stay safe and healthy! What is ENGAGE New Mexico?
For many students, going from a traditional classroom to learning from home can be a real challenge. New Mexico’s Public Education Department has partnered with Graduation Alliance to provide an extra layer of support for students and families who might be struggling with these changes. Students who choose to participate in the program will get an academic coach to work with them to answer questions, connect them with resources, and develop a plan to get on track and finish the school year strong. How does it work? Graduation Alliance is reaching out to students through phone calls, emails, text messages and more to get students started. What does it cost? There is no cost for the student. ENGAGE New Mexico is completely free to students. How do I join? Call 505-340-3250 or email [email protected] to get started. We will have grab and go packets for the students again Friday, May 8:
Drive Through for your Longfellow Student's Grab-n-Go instruction packets in the Longfellow Pick Up Line - North Parking Times:
Thank you, Longfellow Staff Everyone stay safe and healthy! |