RATON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL & COMMUNITY LISTENING SESSION WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Raton Public Schools invites you to our community listening session, we want to hear what YOU want for our students and hel pnfluence the vision and strategy for our school district. We welcome feedback and aspirations as we co-create the future of our community. MEETING IN THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA October 25, 2021 5:30pm REGISTER AT: HTTPS://TINYURL.COM/HNK9XF4 This is a pre-registration link for students who are:
Looking forward to a great school year! ![]() Free Summer Meals Program 2021 Sponsored by K-12 by Elior/A’viands and the Raton Public Schools Food and Nutrition Services Program. This Institution is an equal opportunity provider. Breakfast and Lunch Meals Distributed Monday – Thursday June 14, 2021 – August 6, 2021 (No Meal Service on June 7 – 11 & July 5-9, 2021 – Closed for Staff Training) FREE for kids ages 1-18! NO REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED Summer Meal Grab and Go Sites
For questions, please contact Michael at 575-707-3186. ![]() RATON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 500 South 3rd Street Raton, NM 87740 Phone 575-445-9881 Fax 575-445-3682 Website: ratonschools.com April 12, 2020 RIS Students and Families, Everyone here at Raton Intermediate School hope you and your family are safe and healthy as you read this letter. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life during the last month with COVID-19. I am extremely appreciative of our students, parents, teachers, and staff for their positivity, flexibility and resilience during these trying times. As you know, continuous learning for Raton Intermediate School is in full motion. Our goal is to provide continuous educational opportunities and practice for students while schools are closed but also to eliminate as much stress as feasibly possible for students, parents, and teachers. While it is our responsibility to continue to educate our children, we also want to compassionately take into consideration the variety of difficulties that our families and employees are enduring during this time. The following information will provide details related to our Continuous Learning Plan and how we plan to continue to serve you. Our Continuous Learning Plan has been developed within the guidelines of the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) as well as the needs of our community.
Serving you, Kristie L. Medina Raton Intermediate School Principal |